Tengo cuatro independientes distribuidos de manera uniforme variables $a,b,c,d$, cada uno en $[0,1]$. Quiero calcular la distribución de $(a-d)^2+4bc$. He calculado la distribución de $u_2=4bc$ $$f_2(u_2)=-\frac{1}{4}\ln\frac{u_2}{4}$$ (hence $u_2\en(0,4]$), and of $u_1=(a-d)^2$ to be $$f_1(u_1)=\frac{1-\sqrt{u_1}}{\sqrt{u_1}}.$$ Now, the distribution of a sum $u_1+u_2$ is ($u_1,\, u_2$ are also independent) $$f_{u_1+u_2}(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f_1(x-y)f_2(y)dy=-\frac{1}{4}\int_0^4\frac{1-\sqrt{x-y}}{\sqrt{x-y}}\cdot\ln\frac{y}{4}dy,$$ because $y\in(0,4]$. Here, it has to be $x>y$ so the integral is equal to $$f_{u_1+u_2}(x)=-\frac{1}{4}\int_0^{x}\frac{1-\sqrt{x-y}}{\sqrt{x-y}}\cdot\ln\frac{y}{4}dy.$$ Now I insert it to Mathematica and get that $$f_{u_1+u_2}(x)=\frac{1}{4}\left[-x+x\ln\frac{x}{4}-2\sqrt{x}\left(-2+\ln x\right)\right].$$
I made four independent sets $a,b,c,d$ consisting of $10^6$ numbers each and drew a histogram of $(a-d)^2+4bc$:
and drew a plot of $f_{u_1+u_2}(x)$:
Generally, the plot is similar to the histogram, but on the interval $(0,5)$ most of it is negative (the root is at 2.27034). And the integral of the positive part is $\aprox 0.77$.
Where's the mistake? Or where am I missing something?
EDIT: I scaled the histogram to show the PDF.
EDIT 2: I think I know where's the problem in my reasoning - in the integration limits. Because $s\en (0,4]$ and $x-y\in(0,1]$, I cannot simply $\int_0^x$. The plot shows the region I have to integrate in:
This means I have $\int_0^x$ for $y\in(0,1]$ (that's why part of my $f$ was correct), $\int_{x-1}^x$ in $y\in(1,4]$, and $\int_{x-1}^4$ in $y\en (4,5]$. Por desgracia, Mathematica no computar las dos últimas integrales (bueno, calcular el segundo, hay una unidad imaginaria en la salida que estropea todo...).
EDIT 3: parece que Mathematica PUEDE calcular los últimos tres integrales con el siguiente código:
Assumptions ->0 <= u2 <= u1 && u1 > 0]
Assumptions -> 1 <= u2 <= 3 && u1 > 0]
Assumptions -> 4 <= u2 <= 4 && u1 > 0]
el que da la respuesta correcta :)