Su límite es probablemente correcto.
No tengo pruebas, pero he comprobado la MiniZinc solucionador de restricciones en el problema y encontró la siguiente solución para $a=6, b=6$ como confirmación:
painted triangles = 42 = 6*6+6
| X | . | . | . | . | . |
|. .|. X|. X|. X|. X|. X|
| . | X | . | . | . | . |
| X | . | . | . | . | . |
|. .|. .|X .|X .|X .|X .|
| . | X | . | . | . | X |
| X | . | . | . | X | . |
|. .|. .|. X|. X|. .|. .|
| . | X | X | . | . | X |
| X | . | . | . | X | . |
|. .|. .|. .|. X|. .|. .|
| . | X | X | X | . | X |
| X | . | . | . | X | . |
|. X|. X|. X|. X|. .|. .|
| . | . | . | . | . | X |
| . | . | . | . | X | . |
|X .|X .|X .|X .|X .|. .|
| . | . | . | . | . | X |
Mi modelo:
int: a = 6;
int: b = 6;
int: Left = 1;
int: Top = 2;
int: Right = 3;
int: Bottom = 4;
set of int: Rows = 1..a;
set of int: Cols = 1..b;
set of int: Corners = 1..4;
% Look-up tables for adjacent corners Left Top Right Bottom
array[Corners] of Corners: neighbour1 = [ Top , Left, Top, Left];
array[Corners] of Corners: neighbour2 = [ Bottom, Right, Bottom, Right];
array[Corners] of Corners: neighbour3 = [ Right, Bottom, Left, Top];
% Look-up tables to locate tile of neighbour3
array[Corners] of int: deltaRow = [ 0, -1, 0, 1];
array[Corners] of int: deltaCol = [ -1, 0, 1, 0];
% Decision variables: one bool per triangle
array[Rows, Cols, Corners] of var bool: painted;
% every unpainted triangle shares a side
% with at least one painted triangle
forall(row in Rows, col in Cols, c in Corners) (
(not painted[row, col, c]) ->
(painted[row, col, neighbour1[c]] \/
painted[row, col, neighbour2[c]] \/
isPainted(row + deltaRow[c], col + deltaCol[c], neighbour3[c]))
function var bool: isPainted(int: row, int: col, int: c) =
if (row in Rows) /\ (col in Cols) then painted[row, col, c] else false endif;
function string: it(bool: cond, string: y) =
if cond then y else "" endif;
function string: ite(bool: cond, string: y, string: n) =
if cond then y else n endif;
function string: itv(var bool: cond) =
if fix(cond) then "X" else "." endif;
solve minimize sum([painted[row, col, c] | row in Rows, col in Cols, c in Corners]);
["sum = " ++ show(sum([painted[row, col, c] | row in Rows, col in Cols, c in Corners]))] ++
[it((col == 1) /\ (c == 1), "\n") ++
it((r == 1) /\ (c == 1), "+") ++
it((r != 1) /\ (c == 1), "|") ++
it((r == 1) /\ (c != 1), "-") ++
it((r == 2) /\ (c == 2), " ") ++
it((r == 2) /\ (c == 3), itv(painted[row, col, Top])) ++
it((r == 2) /\ (c == 4), " ") ++
it((r == 3) /\ (c == 2), itv(painted[row, col, Left])) ++
it((r == 3) /\ (c == 3), " ") ++
it((r == 3) /\ (c == 4), itv(painted[row, col, Right])) ++
it((r == 4) /\ (c == 2), " ") ++
it((r == 4) /\ (c == 3), itv(painted[row, col, Bottom])) ++
it((r == 4) /\ (c == 4), " ") ++
it((col == b) /\ (c == 4), ite(r == 1, "+", "|"))
| row in Rows, r in 1..4, col in Cols, c in 1..4 ] ++
["\n"] ++
[ite(c == 1, "+", "-")|col in Cols, c in 1..4] ++ ["+\n"];
Un ejemplo más grande con $a=10, b=42$ tiene $430$ triángulos pintados como se predijo:
0 votos
Por favor, dinos de dónde viene este problema. He estado pensando en ello desde que lo publicaste, y no tengo ni un atisbo de prueba. Estoy seguro de que tienes razón, pero no tengo ni idea de cómo demostrarlo.
0 votos
Es del concurso de matemáticas de San Petersburgo.