Sobre el acotamiento en \mathcal{L}_{1}: en Primer lugar, tenga en cuenta que F_{n}(t)\in[0,1] . Consideramos E\left|M_{n}(t)\right|=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}+E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}, where \a la izquierda(x\right)^{+}=\max\left\{ 0,x\right\} and \left(x\right)^{-}=\max\left\{ 0,-x\right\}. Of course, for t\geq 1 the boundedness is trivial since then M_{n}(t)=1, so we focus on t\in[0,1). On this interval I have shown, that M_{n} is a martingale, which gives us E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}-E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}=E\left[M_{n}(t)\right]=E\left[M_{0}(t)\right]=0. Thus we have E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}, so we can focus on E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}. We exclude the special case, that the fraction is zero, because then the boundedness is trivially true as well. We notice that for \frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t} to belong to the positive part, we need to have that either either both, nominator and denominator, are positive or both of them are negative. Since we are considering t\in[0,1), we have that both have to be positive. Since F_{n}(t)\in[0,1] we obtain E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}\leq E\left(\frac{1-t}{1-t}\right)=1. Since E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-} then also the negative part is bounded by 1 and we conclude, that for all t\geq 0 it holds that E\left|M_{n}(t)\right|\leq 2.