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acotamiento de una martingala secuencia?

Deje Fn(t)=1nnk=11Xkt ser el emprical función de distribución del yo.yo.d. variables aleatorias XkU[0,1]. Para definir t[0,1) Mn(t)=Fn(t)t1t. I have shown that this is a martingale. If anybody is interested, I'm posting it. Now I want to show that if we put Mn(t)=1 for t1, then Mn is not UI, but bounded in L1. But then, I am not sure what lim es, me puedes ayudar con eso? Supongo, tengo que demostrar que no es IU, ¿verdad? Además, estoy muy pegado con el acotamiento, ninguna de las desigualdades he encontrado, llevan a ninguna parte. Alguna idea?

Muchas gracias!


Redithion Puntos 18

Sobre el acotamiento en \mathcal{L}_{1}: en Primer lugar, tenga en cuenta que F_{n}(t)\in[0,1] . Consideramos E\left|M_{n}(t)\right|=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}+E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}, where \a la izquierda(x\right)^{+}=\max\left\{ 0,x\right\} and \left(x\right)^{-}=\max\left\{ 0,-x\right\}. Of course, for t\geq 1 the boundedness is trivial since then M_{n}(t)=1, so we focus on t\in[0,1). On this interval I have shown, that M_{n} is a martingale, which gives us E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}-E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}=E\left[M_{n}(t)\right]=E\left[M_{0}(t)\right]=0. Thus we have E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-}, so we can focus on E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}. We exclude the special case, that the fraction is zero, because then the boundedness is trivially true as well. We notice that for \frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t} to belong to the positive part, we need to have that either either both, nominator and denominator, are positive or both of them are negative. Since we are considering t\in[0,1), we have that both have to be positive. Since F_{n}(t)\in[0,1] we obtain E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}\leq E\left(\frac{1-t}{1-t}\right)=1. Since E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{+}=E\left(\frac{F_{n}(t)-t}{1-t}\right)^{-} then also the negative part is bounded by 1 and we conclude, that for all t\geq 0 it holds that E\left|M_{n}(t)\right|\leq 2.


Did Puntos 1

Tenga en cuenta que M_n(t)=1-\frac{1-F_n(t)}{1-t} y 1-F_n(t)\geqslant0 \mathbb E(F_n(t))=t por lo tanto \mathbb E(|M_n(t)|)\leqslant1+\frac{1-\mathbb E(F_n(t))}{1-t}=2. Por otro lado, \mathbb E(M_n(t))=0 por cada t\lt1 M_n(t)=1 por cada t\geqslant T_nT_n=\max\{X_k\mid 1\leqslant k\leqslant n\}. Desde T_n\lt1 casi seguramente, M_n(t)\to M^*_n=1 cuando t\to1, t\lt1.

Si (M_n(t))_{0\leqslant t\lt1} fue de interfaz de usuario, \mathbb E(M^*_n)=1 sería el límite de \mathbb E(M_n(t)) cuando t\to1, t\lt1, es decir, 0. Desde 1\ne0, (M_n(t))_{0\leqslant t\lt1} no es de IU.


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