Durante la prueba de error de tipo I de la tasa de uso de R, me encontré con que me estoy haciendo mayor que 5% de falsos positivos con un 2-way ANOVA.
Sin embargo, pensé que una de las razones para el uso de un ANOVA (como opuesto a varias pruebas) fue la de controlar el error de tipo I. Así que, ¿qué estoy haciendo mal?
Aquí está el código R:
generate.dat <- function(N=30)
# Generate data with 2 factors.
# N is number of subjects per group.
# id is the subject id, we use N*4 because there are four groups.
# group is the full name of the group, A1, A2, B1, B2
# value is the measured/observed result in our experiment, again N*4.
# the mean value is 0 for all groups, i.e. there are no effects of group.
dat <- data.frame(id=factor(1:(N*4)),
rep(c("A1", "A2"), each=N),
rep(c("B1", "B2"), each=N))),
# split group into separate factors
dat$factor1 <- factor(substring(dat$group, 1, 1))
dat$factor2 <- factor(substring(dat$group, 2, 2))
# e.g.
# dat <- generate.dat(3)
# print(dat)
# id group value factor1 factor2
# 1 1 A1 0.42385602 A 1
# 2 2 A1 -0.34829466 A 1
# 3 3 A1 -1.40946883 A 1
# 4 4 A2 -0.09177423 A 2
# 5 5 A2 -1.26614034 A 2
# 6 6 A2 -1.18024188 A 2
# 7 7 B1 -0.86129559 B 1
# 8 8 B1 -1.30517594 B 1
# 9 9 B1 0.50221849 B 1
# 10 10 B2 0.42755864 B 2
# 11 11 B2 -0.03262990 B 2
# 12 12 B2 0.85593000 B 2
do.anova <- function(dat)
# Perform a 2 way between-subjects anova on dat.
# Return the lowest p value obtained.
# (We are interested whether there is at least one significant effect
# in this particular data set).
results <- aov(value ~ factor1 * factor2, data=dat)
min( summary(results)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[1:3] )
# Peform 1000 replications:
# each time generate some data and get the lowest p value
# from the resulting anova.
out <- replicate(1000, do.anova(generate.dat()))
# How many times out of the 1000 was there a significant effect?
sum(out < .05) / 1000 # about 14%
Dudo que haya realmente un 14% de posibilidades de encontrar un efecto, entonces, ¿qué estoy haciendo mal?
Muchas gracias.