Esta vez dejé que el destino número de Carmichael ser el mínimo común múltiplo de los números de 1 w.Esto es más eficiente en términos de número de divisores. El Superior Altamente Compuesto de Números y la Colosalmente Números Abundantes compartir la propiedad principal de este LCM, que es el exponente de algunos de los mejores p es proporcional a 1/ \log p. Como resultado de ello, la multiplicación de la contribución de cada uno de los prime es (muy) aproximadamente igual, porque x^{1/ \log x} = e.
We know from Legendre's theorem on the exponent of a prime dividing a factorial that the exponent here of p is proportional to 1/p. So the smaller primes give a large multiplicative part, as x^{1/x} goes to 1 as x \rightarrow \infty. Not an astonishing difference, I guess.
The program got incredibly slow doing the lcm of the numbers up to 23, so I will just paste in the lcm's up to 19.
carm 12 = 2^2 3
n 65520
n = 2^4 3^2 5 7 13
log n 11.0901
Euler Phi 13824
Euler Phi = 2^9 3^3
Euler Phi / Carmichael 1152
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^7 3^2
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 7.04925
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.635634
carm 60 = 2^2 3 5
n 6814407600
n = 2^4 3^2 5^2 7 11 13 31 61
log n 22.6423
Euler Phi 1244160000
Euler Phi = 2^13 3^5 5^4
Euler Phi / Carmichael 20736000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^11 3^4 5^3
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 16.8474
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.744067
carm 420 = 2^2 3 5 7
n 375159113055066740400
n = 2^4 3^2 5^2 7^2 11 13 29 31 43 61 71 211 421
log n 47.3739
Euler Phi 63233645690880000000
Euler Phi = 2^20 3^8 5^7 7^6
Euler Phi / Carmichael 150556299264000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^18 3^7 5^6 7^5
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 39.5531
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.834914
carm 840 = 2^3 3 5 7
n 8644416283014847832296800
n = 2^5 3^2 5^2 7^2 11 13 29 31 41 43 61 71 211 281 421
log n 57.419
Euler Phi 1416433663475712000000000
Euler Phi = 2^27 3^8 5^9 7^7
Euler Phi / Carmichael 1686230551756800000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^24 3^7 5^8 7^6
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 48.8768
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.851231
carm 2520 = 2^3 3^2 5 7
n 48665323350093056511370687590824766511200
n = 2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 11 13 19 29 31 37 41 43 61 71 73 127 181 211 281 421 631 2521
log n 93.6858
Euler Phi 7138535724796543865494437888000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^40 3^23 5^12 7^10
Euler Phi / Carmichael 2832752271744660264085094400000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^37 3^21 5^11 7^9
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 83.9343
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.895913
carm 27720 = 2^3 3^2 5 7 11
n 46835535664453140916928878375591275233836162863207874618151609888175819169346400
n = 2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 11^2 13 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 61 67 71 73 89 127 181 199 211 281 331 397 421 463 617 631 661 991 1321 2311 2521 4621 9241
log n 183.448
Euler Phi 6283868711272246950118489040817069058881601596869138196725760000000000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^65 3^37 5^19 7^15 11^15
Euler Phi / Carmichael 226690790449936758662283154430630196929350706957761118208000000000000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^62 3^35 5^18 7^14 11^14
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 171.21
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.933286
carm 360360 = 2^3 3^2 5 7 11 13
n 298871636051787972324640321489709180758102154467075853983420470349998567281384922961858797094684848792536021545048660618505111461843580370418446603390641898939152029204827347934755791200
n = 2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 11^2 13^2 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 53 61 67 71 73 79 89 127 131 157 181 199 211 281 313 331 397 421 463 521 547 617 631 661 859 911 937 991 1093 1171 1321 2003 2311 2341 2521 2731 2861 3433 4621 6007 6553 8009 8191 8581 9241 16381 20021 25741 36037 51481 72073 120121 180181
log n 427.073
Euler Phi 37736396954157598059788348310956484406049704954111539794809548644964811972308825522143018925098662022578445724996281865982823373310042400379419838382080000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^124 3^70 5^34 7^30 11^29 13^31
Euler Phi / Carmichael 104718606266393601009513676076580320807108738356397879328475825965603318826475817299764177281326068438723625610490292668395003255938623599676489728000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^121 3^68 5^33 7^29 11^28 13^30
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 412.209
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.965195
carm 720720 = 2^4 3^2 5 7 11 13
n 2599265289938045790285087430718636500803510968991503583932015415681339876886274198699629634541272594255929473856752109528189646768583309952911477951292254958722748988899531120282182905307875781283119196897221941548215066799861837732382400
n = 2^6 3^3 5^2 7^2 11^2 13^2 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 53 61 67 71 73 79 89 113 127 131 157 181 199 211 241 281 313 331 337 397 421 463 521 547 617 631 661 859 881 911 937 991 1009 1093 1171 1321 1873 2003 2311 2341 2521 2731 2861 3121 3433 3697 4621 6007 6553 8009 8191 8581 9241 16381 18481 20021 20593 21841 25741 36037 48049 51481 55441 65521 72073 120121 180181
log n 546.668
Euler Phi 302928484859039757167917387259074936375908184912676644232090483303653116305985172517367761646862734195251724208088514016554177810120723602606503842865373298717800011581324246392169423151903329484800000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^185 3^87 5^41 7^39 11^35 13^37
Euler Phi / Carmichael 420313693055610718681204056026022500244072850639189483061508607092425791300345727213574982860004903700815468154190967388936310647853151851768375850351555803526751042820130211999347073970339840000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^181 3^85 5^40 7^38 11^34 13^36
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 531.03
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.971395
carm 12252240 = 2^4 3^2 5 7 11 13 17
n 7840740066841325159663012343109406035896969282188089816022023253073930685593138754608115114178718941653356910879846676628187748417141835552934771418947605257522367259619199969384442710324874085579531050831286424944502736136712129141705080899663945058655290616070228265094769144920132517587558228976893437743186457341466720980209808301629382042408853888361938252926075102952852024516523051299362023013137353239343091598865047297527610474958115324782865413736021297404821213490729251550378837210338248063398056065100020800
n = 2^6 3^3 5^2 7^2 11^2 13^2 17^2 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 53 61 67 71 73 79 89 103 113 127 131 137 157 181 199 211 239 241 281 307 313 331 337 397 409 421 443 463 521 547 613 617 631 661 859 881 911 937 953 991 1009 1021 1093 1123 1171 1321 1327 1361 1429 1531 1871 1873 2003 2143 2311 2341 2381 2521 2731 2857 2861 3061 3121 3433 3571 3697 4421 4621 5237 6007 6121 6553 6733 7481 8009 8191 8581 9241 9283 9521 10711 12241 12377 14281 15913 16381 16831 17137 17681 18481 19891 20021 20593 21841 22441 23563 25741 27847 29173 30941 36037 42841 43759 46411 48049 51481 52361 55441 65521 72073 72931 74257 78541 79561 87517 92821 97241 102103 116689 117811 120121 145861 157081 180181 185641 235621 291721 314161 371281 471241 612613 680681 816817 4084081
log n 1197.1
Euler Phi 876963786249831215329065464481713945416735673133399063326739418167466275084490195155585298354804980317157310709931920654014082320754625938193488917188172905629711630411642807892170926210559770331095200711744675075568998096103910242973547372095768936891066690134738650385202960878682027534352001136594406411167332321078588661428170071187615269703076016409856809942317092056015529093210439558720962836997515774679821891872505495454221714063360000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^339 3^160 5^79 7^74 11^63 13^66 17^68
Euler Phi / Carmichael 71575792365300648316476453651064127491522829550629033003494823654080092708312128652033040354645761127529113917939243816152318459380050173535083292294974054183538000431891866947772074837789642574018726429758531915434973367817142844326714737231377196079334610661784183984740991106824713483767213271744138737991365849924470028454239393873088942895591011636227890568770860843079757586629909270363701889368598376678862142095853941438808064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^335 3^158 5^78 7^73 11^62 13^65 17^67
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 1178.59
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.984536
carm 232792560 = 2^4 3^2 5 7 11 13 17 19
n 50534333093172223543129940291654815617151944146476851368660955499649474633663170820397745391407946393810344018943466673835027481077690065639852829994132892247661970216297524131089684486076569988963974748490096400953601986443230692489382127281828207476930926656993032159692158359213103542287271323853769097052208533488613670497659058052282054082188507391900881880619583306518097921009261508681154148168035945026167174774487564624431388560148364227110384299217431751777238418503876422038688191658095555268373577241322157898647844988230539117410212547101213436222907309137876912437504569908503281850569541099592401796096523635543039626980406691563396551444451745862370202667382601059271275160260669005385300437576767917007146159132580605728714248593018133559184952841625792695276539620965459288444034412706624418909888049690529619372510185042850423332654357883876922840520857879178067105509474843367530324617706324050546948962356054939237309734274832559183894772446907064920899799767179897019983498925857042697497845396145415103015404452800
n = 2^6 3^3 5^2 7^2 11^2 13^2 17^2 19^2 23 29 31 37 41 43 53 61 67 71 73 79 89 103 113 127 131 137 157 181 191 199 211 229 239 241 281 307 313 331 337 397 409 419 421 443 457 463 521 547 571 613 617 631 647 661 761 859 881 911 937 953 991 1009 1021 1093 1123 1171 1321 1327 1361 1429 1483 1531 1597 1871 1873 2003 2129 2143 2281 2311 2341 2381 2521 2731 2857 2861 2927 3061 3121 3433 3571 3697 3877 4421 4447 4523 4561 4621 4789 5237 6007 6121 6271 6553 6733 6841 6917 7411 7481 7753 8009 8191 8581 8779 8893 9241 9283 9521 10711 11971 12241 12377 12541 13567 13681 14281 14821 15913 16381 16831 17137 17291 17681 18089 18481 19381 19891 20021 20593 20749 21319 21737 21841 22441 23563 25741 25841 27847 29173 29641 30097 30941 31123 35531 35569 36037 38039 40699 42841 43759 43891 46411 47881 48049 48907 51481 51871 52361 55441 58787 59281 65521 72073 72931 74257 75583 77521 78541 79561 87517 92821 97241 97813 102103 105337 106591 108529 116689 117041 117811 120121 124489 131671 135661 145861 157081 163021 177841 180181 185641 207481 213181 217361 235621 251941 291721 302329 314161 342343 351121 371281 377911 391249 406981 456457 461891 471241 489061 511633 526681 554269 612613 652081 680681 813961 816817 895357 1053361 1058149 1108537 1279081 1369369 1492261 1790713 1939939 2217073 2238391 2282281 2351441 2645371 2771341 2984521 3233231 4084081 4157011 4232593 4476781 6651217 6846841 17907121 46558513 232792561
log n 2387.1
Euler Phi 5514449822311644815404751686462977951034810669560490390518583345450784157372094367894048911784096083376344400979305654850358459153953986987336008744921030392692447550713150394082012450128757329333903497505348213207876674433801907491791066625979405161798227640380343910277367189022142510413519613475494507166995486198422310655527868738996899023727607093793576815536756577970675943000561603741541848237145541145404230173466423531210533394354489728605628509391301279454516247049568108488644469334042560684856963327508699823730819658908650485763190516837544747349671010096018387743869026349184431183582691118568072484260050981261437067547241103600317134737994971149802615231089264186114925784384959460111359636215747257380703663933037572553721728696626117704554050895418557994555303296028367133022206932589927112399034402488153862223577676893982895775184698996047515779443891083701369171975300626668270387200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi = 2^584 3^287 5^134 7^125 11^114 13^116 17^115 19^105
Euler Phi / Carmichael 23688256284099649986257085219832532238293228398538554627856591917932360713641769169487413651811278175627023479527462797137324574092720089453614878177038950010655183957396019847378337392435382511081554743439172683215806701184101018914827289265513490473227441806475017544707473421926123886491559753780337770103114490421954682123551838336229040239634836670869450533714464835004503335504199978476725580221058358331573097411130422429353126209679938777277196957631727059724401188120308090982995630676695856108360865688786187254999986506908341425358226726994817821281191332300389616162428156420396043514374733963010125771459581789303906738029948652999550908061644973317887028825531469674610416176466118419383160854521069132882527104530478003909238889321145476919683562461869734988761252919888707495730133869355305480549010683537969865633066954089868231936556301438703693019415616563095354817075342213120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Euler Phi / Carmichael = 2^580 3^285 5^133 7^124 11^113 13^115 17^114 19^104
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) 2365.62
log ( Euler Phi / Carmichael) / log n 0.991001
Got a much abbreviated output, so the whole thing goes much faster and I am able to compare things. It turns out the first time \registro de f(n) / \log n passes 0.999 is actually when the assigned Carmichael number is the LCM up to 31, and the first time we pass 0.9999 is when the assigned Carmichael number is the LCM up to 43. I had it put in logs base 10 as well.
log n 45666.52180017586 base ten 19832.71842553093
euler_log 45664.14300016323 base ten 19831.68532581189
carm 72201776446800 = 2^4 3^3 5^2 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
carm log 31.91048576605096 base ten 13.85854788304819
ratio so far 0.9992491373455432
carm final 72201776446800 = 2^4 3^3 5^2 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
log n 497887.2342748803 base ten 216229.6784556521
euler_log 497884.7681825354 base ten 216228.6074453548
carm 9419588158802421600 = 2^5 3^3 5^2 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43
carm log 43.689323041653 base ten 18.97403191507849
ratio so far 0.9999072974516936
carm final 9419588158802421600 = 2^5 3^3 5^2 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43
log n 6298975.807663561 base ten 2735610.434910363
euler_log 6298973.277771472 base ten 2735609.336192189
carm 9690712164777231700912800 2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59
carm log 57.53321014987621 base ten 24.9863556942714
ratio so far 0.9999904646240797
carm final 9690712164777231700912800 2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59
lcm of up to: 59 divisors : 1769472 prime count: 221800 log ratio: 3.018864087268213
As far as proving anything, let me describe the construction this way: for a number L we let C = \operatorname{lcm} (1,2,3,\ldots,L). We find all positive divisors d | C. For each such d, we check q = 1 + d. If q is prime, then p becomes a factor of n. Now if, in addition, q \leq L, then q gets an exponent larger than 1, because we get q | C this way. In fact, we give p the largest possible exponent such that the Carmichael number of p^ divides C. If, instead, q > L then the exponent of q is precisely 1.
This means that the number of primes that arise as q=1+d with d | L is a big part of the giant size of n. It is easy to predict the number of positive divisors of C because we know how it factors. Add one to each, many become prime, many do not. I made a table, it suggests that the number of primes is faster than polynomial as a function of L but slower than exponential.
lcm of up to: 4 divisors : 6 prime count: 5 log ratio: 1.160964047443681
lcm of up to: 5 divisors : 12 prime count: 8 log ratio: 1.292029674220179
lcm of up to: 7 divisors : 24 prime count: 13 log ratio: 1.318123223061841
lcm of up to: 8 divisors : 32 prime count: 15 log ratio: 1.30229686520284
lcm of up to: 9 divisors : 48 prime count: 22 log ratio: 1.406794046107798
lcm of up to: 11 divisors : 96 prime count: 36 log ratio: 1.494443472618428
lcm of up to: 13 divisors : 192 prime count: 66 log ratio: 1.633425911446773
lcm of up to: 16 divisors : 240 prime count: 81 log ratio: 1.584962500721156
lcm of up to: 17 divisors : 480 prime count: 148 log ratio: 1.763796674277192
lcm of up to: 19 divisors : 960 prime count: 252 log ratio: 1.877922798412615
lcm of up to: 23 divisors : 1920 prime count: 446 log ratio: 1.945568555358454
lcm of up to: 25 divisors : 2880 prime count: 660 log ratio: 2.016927706518875
lcm of up to: 27 divisors : 3840 prime count: 905 log ratio: 2.065616479359747
lcm of up to: 29 divisors : 7680 prime count: 1638 log ratio: 2.197974766132367
lcm of up to: 31 divisors : 15360 prime count: 2912 log ratio: 2.322837836698491
lcm of up to: 32 divisors : 18432 prime count: 3578 log ratio: 2.360987534410382
lcm of up to: 37 divisors : 36864 prime count: 6661 log ratio: 2.438168109993427
lcm of up to: 41 divisors : 73728 prime count: 12344 log ratio: 2.536890418395409
lcm of up to: 43 divisors : 147456 prime count: 23060 log ratio: 2.670917389347842
lcm of up to: 47 divisors : 294912 prime count: 42735 log ratio: 2.769445392395919
lcm of up to: 49 divisors : 442368 prime count: 63329 log ratio: 2.840855381850106
Let's see. In the table above, the value of L is on the left, let P be the count of primes constructed. The final number, called "log ratio," is just \log P / \log L. This seems to keep growing, so P seems to be growing faster than a polynomial in L.
Next I repeated the table, but this time the "log ratio" is \log P / L, which seems to be decreasing to 0, so it seems P is growing slower than an exponential in L
lcm of up to: 4 divisors : 6 prime count: 5 log ratio: 0.4023594781085251
lcm of up to: 5 divisors : 12 prime count: 8 log ratio: 0.4158883083359671
lcm of up to: 7 divisors : 24 prime count: 13 log ratio: 0.3664213367802195
lcm of up to: 8 divisors : 32 prime count: 15 log ratio: 0.3385062751377763
lcm of up to: 9 divisors : 48 prime count: 22 log ratio: 0.3434491614842574
lcm of up to: 11 divisors : 96 prime count: 36 log ratio: 0.3257744489505555
lcm of up to: 13 divisors : 192 prime count: 66 log ratio: 0.3222811340020327
lcm of up to: 16 divisors : 240 prime count: 81 log ratio: 0.2746530721670274
lcm of up to: 17 divisors : 480 prime count: 148 log ratio: 0.293953663162595
lcm of up to: 19 divisors : 960 prime count: 252 log ratio: 0.2910225835532328
lcm of up to: 23 divisors : 1920 prime count: 446 log ratio: 0.265231258783481
lcm of up to: 25 divisors : 2880 prime count: 660 log ratio: 0.2596895934008188
lcm of up to: 27 divisors : 3840 prime count: 905 log ratio: 0.2521457386555528
lcm of up to: 29 divisors : 7680 prime count: 1638 log ratio: 0.2552148711866557
lcm of up to: 31 divisors : 15360 prime count: 2912 log ratio: 0.2573095293327928
lcm of up to: 32 divisors : 18432 prime count: 3578 log ratio: 0.2557049770021458
lcm of up to: 37 divisors : 36864 prime count: 6661 log ratio: 0.23794661898414
lcm of up to: 41 divisors : 73728 prime count: 12344 log ratio: 0.2297786681473901
lcm of up to: 43 divisors : 147456 prime count: 23060 log ratio: 0.2336245300889082
lcm of up to: 47 divisors : 294912 prime count: 42735 log ratio: 0.2268675220340451
lcm of up to: 49 divisors : 442368 prime count: 63329 log ratio: 0.225634666103695
There are infinitely many growth rates between polynomial and exponential as a function of L; uno de los más fáciles de tipo
e^{\sqrt L}