2 votos

Añadir anotación de fecha para imágenes GIF en Earth Engine

Quiero visualizar los cambios anuales en imágenes de satélite en Google Earth Engine.

Escribí un código como este:

var geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon(
        [[[30.0014347527015, 37.57084315925745],
          [30.0014347527015, 37.50986387270507],
          [30.121597716568687, 37.50986387270507],
          [30.121597716568687, 37.57084315925745]]], null, false)
var visualization = {"bands":["B4","B3","B2"],"min":0,"max":0.3};

// Applies scaling factors.
function applyScaleFactors(image) {
  var opticalBands = image.select('SR_B.').multiply(0.0000275).add(-0.2);
  var thermalBands = image.select('ST_B.*').multiply(0.00341802).add(149.0);
  return image.addBands(opticalBands, null, true)
              .addBands(thermalBands, null, true);

// Landat 8 surface reflection data
var L8Coll = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2')
    .filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than', 1)
    .map(function(image){return image.clip(geometry)});


var L8Coll=L8Coll.select(['SR_B2', 'SR_B3', 'SR_B4','SR_B5', 'SR_B6', 'SR_B7','ST_B10'] , ['B2', 'B3', 'B4','B5', 'B6', 'B7','B10'])

Map.addLayer(L8Coll.first(), visualization, 'L8 2013 ');   

Map.addLayer(L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first(), visualization, 'L8 Best ');   

print('L8Coll Least Cloud Cover',L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first())
print('Landsat Collection Date Acquired',L8Coll.aggregate_array('DATE_ACQUIRED'))
print('Landsat Collection Cloud Cover',L8Coll.aggregate_array('CLOUD_COVER'))
print('Landsat Collection Path/Row',L8Coll.aggregate_array('WRS_PATH'),

var L8LeastCC=L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first()

print('L8 Least Cloud Cover',L8LeastCC)

// Load a Landsat 8 collection for a single path-row.
var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2')
  .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 179))
  .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 34));

// This function adds a band representing the image timestamp.
var addTime = function(image) {
  return image.addBands(image.metadata('system:time_start'));

// Map the function over the collection and display the result.
var L8CollT=L8Coll.map(addTime)
print('L8coll system Time',L8CollT);


var doy = ee.Date(L8Coll.first().get('system:time_start')).getRelative('day', 'year');


// Create RGB visualization images for use as animation frames.
var rgbVis = L8Coll.map(function(img) {
  return img.visualize(visualization).clip(geometry)

// Define GIF visualization parameters.
var gifParams = {
  'region': geometry,
  'dimensions': 600,
  'crs': 'EPSG:3857',
  'framesPerSecond': 1//,  'format': 'gif'

// Print the GIF URL to the console.

// Render the GIF animation in the console.
print(ui.Thumbnail(rgbVis, gifParams));


Aquí está la imagen GIF generada:

enter image description here

Ahora quiero mostrar la fecha de cada fotograma de la imagen GIF

¿Cómo puedo generar anotaciones de texto basadas en la fecha de los fotogramas de una imagen GIF?


He resuelto el problema de la siguiente manera:

var aaa = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Point([30.0787, 37.5219]);

var geometry=geometry2
// Applies scaling factors.
function applyScaleFactors(image) {
  var opticalBands = image.select('SR_B.').multiply(0.0000275).add(-0.2);
  var thermalBands = image.select('ST_B.*').multiply(0.00341802).add(149.0);
  return image.addBands(opticalBands, null, true)
              .addBands(thermalBands, null, true);

// Landat 8 surface reflection data
var L8Coll = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2')
    .filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than', 1)
    .map(function(image){return image.clip(geometry)});


var L8Coll=L8Coll.select(['SR_B2', 'SR_B3', 'SR_B4','SR_B5', 'SR_B6', 'SR_B7','ST_B10'] , ['B2', 'B3', 'B4','B5', 'B6', 'B7','B10'])

Map.addLayer(L8Coll.first(), visualization, 'L8 2013 ');   

Map.addLayer(L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first(), visualization, 'L8 Best ');   

print('L8Coll Least Cloud Cover',L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first())
print('Landsat Collection Date Acquired',L8Coll.aggregate_array('DATE_ACQUIRED'))
print('Landsat Collection Cloud Cover',L8Coll.aggregate_array('CLOUD_COVER'))
print('Landsat Collection Path/Row',L8Coll.aggregate_array('WRS_PATH'),

var L8LeastCC=L8Coll.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first()

print('L8 Least Cloud Cover',L8LeastCC)

// Load a Landsat 8 collection for a single path-row.
var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2')
  .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 179))
  .filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 34));

// This function adds a band representing the image timestamp.
var addTime = function(image) {
  return image.addBands(image.metadata('system:time_start'));

// Map the function over the collection and display the result.
var L8CollT=L8Coll.map(addTime)
print('L8coll system Time',L8CollT);




var doy = ee.Date(L8Coll.first().get('system:time_start')).getRelative('day', 'year');


// Create RGB visualization images for use as animation frames.
var rgbVis = L8Coll.map(function(img) {
  return img.visualize(visualization).clip(geometry)

// Define GIF visualization parameters.
var gifParams = {
  'region': geometry,
  'dimensions': 300,
  'crs': 'EPSG:3857',
  'framesPerSecond': 2//,  'format': 'gif'

// Print the GIF URL to the console.
// print(rgbVis.getVideoThumbURL(gifParams));

// Render the GIF animation in the console.
//print(ui.Thumbnail(rgbVis, gifParams));


// Define arguments for animation function parameters.
var videoArgs = {
  dimensions: 300,
  region: geometry,
  framesPerSecond: 2,
  crs: 'EPSG:3857',

var text = require('users/gena/packages:text'); // Import gena's package which allows text overlay on image

var annotations = [
  {position: 'right', offset: '1%', margin: '1%', property: 'label', scale: 30} //large scale because image if of the whole world. Use smaller scale otherwise
function addText(image){

  var timeStamp = image.get('DATE_ACQUIRED'); // get the time stamp of each frame. This can be any string. Date, Years, Hours, etc.
  var timeStamp = ee.String(timeStamp); //convert time stamp to string 
  var image = image.visualize({ //convert each frame to RGB image explicitly since it is a 1 band image
      forceRgbOutput: true,
      bands: ['B4','B3','B2'],
      min: 0,
      max: 0.3,
//      palette: ['blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']
    }).set({'label':timeStamp}); // set a property called label for each image

  var annotated = text.annotateImage(image, {}, aaa, annotations); // create a new image with the label overlayed using gena's package

  return annotated 

var tempCol = L8Coll.map(addText) //add time stamp to all images

print(ui.Thumbnail(tempCol, videoArgs)); //print gif

enter image description here


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