5 votos

La instalación de GDAL con MrSID falla en Ubuntu

Estoy intentando instalar GDAL desde el código fuente en Ubuntu o CentoOS, pero falla las dos veces. También probé GDAL 3.0 que hizo lo mismo.

¿Hay alguna forma fácil de conseguir que GDAL funcione con MrSID? Puedo instalar GDAL con apt install gdal-bin pero no es compatible con MrSID.

Estoy usando

./configure --with-mrsid=/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/mrsid/Raster_DSDK

La salida de make en Ubuntu es:

mrsidstream.h:64:17: warning: âvirtual const char* LTIVSIStream::getID() constâ can be marked override [-Wsuggest-override]
     const char* getID() const;
mrsiddataset.cpp:214:23: warning: âvirtual LT_STATUS MrSIDProgress::setProgressStatus(float)â can be marked override [-Wsuggest-override]
     virtual LT_STATUS setProgressStatus(float fraction)
../../GDALmake.opt:670: recipe for target '../o/mrsiddataset.lo' failed
make[2]: *** [../o/mrsiddataset.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/gdal/gdal-2.4.3/frmts/mrsid'
GNUmakefile:15: recipe for target 'mrsid-install-obj' failed
make[1]: *** [mrsid-install-obj] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/gdal/gdal-2.4.3/frmts'
GNUmakefile:103: recipe for target 'frmts-target' failed
make: *** [frmts-target] Error 2

La salida de make en CentoOS 7 es:

/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTIOFileStream::~LTIOFileStream()'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTIOFileStream::initialize(char const*, char const*)'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTIMetadataDatabase::~LTIMetadataDatabase()'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTIImageStage::read(LizardTech::LTIScene const&, LizardTech::LTISceneBuffer&)'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::MrSIDImageReader::create()'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTINavigator::LTINavigator(LizardTech::LTIImage const&)'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTINavigator::setSceneAsULWH(double, double, double, double, double)'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTIGeoCoord::get(double&, double&, double&, double&, double&, double&) const'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::LTISceneBuffer::LTISceneBuffer(LizardTech::LTIPixel const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**, unsigned int)'
/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/.libs/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `LizardTech::J2KImageReader::initialize(LizardTech::LTIOStreamInf&, bool, float, bool)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [gdalserver] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/centos/gdal-2.4.3/apps'
make: *** [apps-target] Error 2

Acabo de descargar el SDK de https://www.extensis.com/support/developers Probé con 5.3.1 y 4.8.2.


xenny Puntos 670

Según este sitio : https://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/TutorialMrSid

Necesitas conseguir el sdk de Lizardtech (cosa que ya has hecho) para tener soporte MrSid (propietario).

Luego instala gdal y añade el plugin con

sudo gdal-build-mrsid $HOME/Geo_DSK-[version]


sudo gdal-mrsid-build $HOME/Geo_DSDK-[version]


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