Esta solución utiliza python (w/ arcpy
) para emparejar la geometría de los bloques y los búferes en función de su FID
realiza una intersección de esos pares y escribe la geometría resultante en un archivo shape junto con las características de origen. FID
. La última función del script suma el porcentaje de cada búfer que está formado por su geometría de "intersección" correspondiente (es decir, la compacidad del bloque) y lo escribe en el campo compactnes
del shapefile de la intersección.
Para adaptar esta secuencia de comandos a su proyecto, sólo tiene que establecer el parámetro blocks
y buffers
a las rutas de los archivos de sus conjuntos de datos y establezca las variables intersection
la ruta en la que desea que se escriba la salida.
import os
import arcpy
from os import path
from arcpy import da, env, management
env.overwriteOutput = True
blocks = 'P:/ath/to/block/shapefile/block_shp_name.shp'
buffers = 'P:/ath/to/buffer/shapefile/buffer_shp_name.shp'
intersection = 'P:/ath/to/intersection/shapefile/intersection.shp'
compact_field = 'compactnes'
def createIntersectionFc():
"""Create feature class for the intersection features to be written to"""
# get the spatial reference from the blocks feature class and use
# it define that attribute for the intersection fc
desc = arcpy.Describe(blocks)
srs = desc.spatialReference
shp_path = path.dirname(intersection)
shp_name = path.basename(intersection)
geom_type = 'POLYGON'
management.CreateFeatureclass(shp_path, shp_name,
geom_type, spatial_reference=srs)
# drop default feature class field and add field to hold the percentage
# of the buffers that the intersection makes up
f_type = 'DOUBLE'
management.AddField(intersection, compact_field, f_type)
drop_field = 'Id'
management.DeleteField(intersection, drop_field)
def intersectFeatures():
"""Intersect the block and buffers geometries and write the result to a
feature class"""
geom_mapping = {}
fields = ['OID@', 'SHAPE@']
with da.SearchCursor(blocks, fields) as cursor:
for oid, geom in cursor:
geom_mapping[oid] = {'block': geom}
with da.SearchCursor(buffers, fields) as cursor:
for oid, geom in cursor:
if oid in geom_mapping:
geom_mapping[oid]['buffer'] = geom
print 'There is no block match'
print 'for the buffer with FID: {0}'.format(oid)
i_cursor = da.InsertCursor(intersection, fields)
for oid, geom_dict in geom_mapping.iteritems():
intersect_geom = geom_dict['block'].intersect(geom_dict['buffer'], 4)
i_cursor.insertRow((oid, intersect_geom))
del i_cursor
def getBufferPercentage():
"""Get the percentage of each buffer that is made up by its corresponding
intersection geometry and write it to the intersection fc"""
area_dict = {}
s_fields = ['OID@', 'SHAPE@AREA']
with da.SearchCursor(buffers, s_fields) as cursor:
for oid, area in cursor:
area_dict[oid] = area
u_fields = s_fields + [compact_field]
with da.UpdateCursor(intersection, u_fields) as u_cursor:
for oid, area, compact in u_cursor:
compact = area / area_dict[oid]
u_cursor.updateRow((oid, area, compact))