Tengo un script que básicamente toma una cuadrícula raster de baja resolución y crea un archivo de texto de banda de elevación para este raster basado en un DEM de alta resolución. Se puede acceder a los datos desde aquí . En Conda prompt escribí:
python format_snow_params.py ~/VIC_GRID_Rstr1.tif ~/DEM.tif ~/snow_params.txt 492
Donde VIC_GRID_Rstr1.tif es la rejilla de baja resolución (basinMask), DEM es una rejilla de alta resolución (elvHiRes), snow_params.txt (outsnow) es el fichero de salida generado y por último 492 (interval) es el intervalo de elevación en metros.
Al ejecutar el script obtengo el siguiente error:
File "format_snow_params.py", line 218, in <module>
File "format_snow_params.py", line 212, in main
File "format_snow_params.py", line 70, in format_snow_params
elvhires[np.where(elvhires<0)] = np.nan
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
El script completo (obtenido de github) es el siguiente:
# FILE: format_snow_params.py
# AUTHOR: Kel Markert
# EMAIL: kel.markert@nasa.gov
# CREATION DATE: 28 Oct. 2016
# LAST MOD DATE: 03 Apr. 2017
# PURPOSEe This script takes geotiff data for snow band parameterization and converts
# it to the needed text format for the VIC model
# DEPENDENCIES: numpy, osgeo (gdal)
# import dependencies
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import warnings
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalnumeric import *
from osgeo.gdalconst import *
# set system to ignore simple warnings
def format_snow_params(basinMask,elvHiRes,outSnow,interval):
FUNCTION: format_snow_params
ARGUMENTS: basinMask - path to template raster to run VIC model at
elvHiRes - path elevation raster dataset at native resolution
outsnow - path output snow parameter file
interval - vertical distance to do equal interval segmentation
NOTES: Does not return a variable but writes an output file
band = 1 # constant variable for reading in data
interval = int(interval) # force equal interval value to be int type
# make a list of input raster files
infiles = [basinMask,elvHiRes]
# try to read in the raster data
# read basin grid raster
ds = gdal.Open(infiles[0],GA_ReadOnly)
b1 = ds.GetRasterBand(band)
mask = BandReadAsArray(b1)
maskRes = ds.GetGeoTransform()[1]
ds = None
b1 = None
# read hi res elevation raster
ds = gdal.Open(infiles[1],GA_ReadOnly)
b1 = ds.GetRasterBand(band)
elvhires = BandReadAsArray(b1)
clsRes = ds.GetGeoTransform()[1]
ds = None
b1 = None
# if not working, give error message
except AttributeError:
raise IOError('Raster file input error, check that all paths are correct')
# mask elevation values less than 0
elvhires[np.where(elvhires<0)] = np.nan
# get ratio of high resoltion to low resolution
clsRatio = int(maskRes/clsRes)
# check if the output parameter file exists, if so delete it
if os.path.exists(outSnow)==True:
nbands = [] # blank list
# try to write to output snow parameter file
with open(outSnow, 'w') as f:
cnt = 1 # set grid cell id counter
# pass counter
pass_counter = range(2)
# perform two passes on the raster data
# 1) to grab the maximum number of bands for a given pixel
# 2) to calculate the snow band parameters and write to output file
for pass_cnt in pass_counter:
# loop over each pixel in the template raster
for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
cy1 = i*clsRatio
cy2 = cy1+clsRatio
for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
cx1 = j*clsRatio
cx2 = cx1+clsRatio
# get all hi res pixels in a template pixel
tmp = elvhires[cy1:cy2,cx1:cx2]
if tmp.size == 0:
# create blank array for number of bands calculation...
if mask[i,j] == 1: # ...if it is not a masked pixel
if np.all(tmp == np.nan) == True:
tmp[:,:] = 0
# find min and max values for interval
minelv = np.nanmin(tmp.astype(int)) - (np.nanmin(tmp.astype(int))%interval)
maxelv = np.nanmax(tmp.astype(int)) + (np.nanmax(tmp.astype(int))%interval)
# create an array of band limits
bands = np.arange(minelv, maxelv+interval,interval)
bcls = np.zeros_like(tmp)
bcls[:,:] = -1
# get the number of bands per pixel
for b in range(bands.size-1):
bcls[np.where((tmp>=bands[b])&(tmp<bands[b+1]))] = b # band counter
# if it's the first pass get number of bands for each pixel
if pass_cnt == 0:
uniqcnt = np.unique(bcls[np.where(tmp>0)])
nbands.append(uniqcnt.size) # save to a list for second pass
if pass_cnt == 1:
uniqcnt = np.unique(bcls[np.where(tmp>0)])
#clscnt = np.bincount(tmp.ravel())
f.write('{0}\t'.format(cnt)) # write grid cell id
# find frational area for each band and write to file
for c in range(maxbands):
idx = np.where(bcls==uniqcnt[c])
num = np.float(bcls[np.where(bcls>=0)].size)
if num == 0:
num = np.float(idx[0].size)
frac = np.float(idx[0].size) / num
except IndexError:
frac = 0
# calculate the mean elevation for each band and write to file
for c in range(maxbands):
idx = np.where(bcls==uniqcnt[c])
muelv = np.nanmean(tmp[idx])
except IndexError:
muelv = 0
# calculate the precipitation fractions and write to file
for c in range(maxbands):
idx = np.where(bcls==uniqcnt[c])
num = np.float(bcls[np.where(bcls>=0)].size)
if num == 0:
num = np.float(idx[0].size)
frac = np.float(idx[0].size) / num
except IndexError:
frac = 0
f.write('\n') # write return value for new line
if pass_cnt == 1 & mask[i,j] == 1:
cnt += 1 # plus one to the grid cell id counter
if pass_cnt == 0:
maxbands = max(nbands) # maximum number of bands for a pixel
# print the number of bands for user to input into global parameter file
print('Number of maximum bands: {0}'.format(maxbands))
# except raise an error when it doesn't work
except IOError:
raise IOError('Cannot write output file, error with output snow parameter file path')
def main():
n_args = len(sys.argv)
# Check user inputs
if n_args != 5:
print ("Wrong user input")
print ("Script writes the snow band parameter file for the VIC model")
print ("usage: python format_snow_params.py <template raster> <elevation raster> <output snow band file> <interval for snow bands>")
print ("Exiting system...")
# Pass command line arguments into function
# Execute the main level program if run as standalone
if __name__ == "__main__":
Probé una solución mencionada aquí cambiando básicamente la línea:
elvhires[np.where(elvhires<0)] = np.nan
Pero esto me da otro error:
File "format_snow_params.py", line 218, in <module>
File "format_snow_params.py", line 212, in main
File "format_snow_params.py", line 188, in format_snow_params
maxbands = max(nbands) # maximum number of bands for a pixel
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
¿Cómo puedo resolver este problema?
Actualización 1
Basándome en los comentarios, he vuelto a exportar (con ArcGIS) el MDE (DEM_0-n2) en formato .tif y he puesto la ausencia de datos a 0, pero sigue apareciendo el error Float Nan. Y si quito la línea
elvhires[np.where(elvhires<0)] = np.nan
entonces me sale el error en la línea 188, que es:
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
Actualización 2
Incluso cuando veo los valores del DEM en forma de matriz en Python, los valores reales del DEM empiezan en la columna 910-1134. El resto de las columnas son ceros. Estoy adjuntando una captura de pantalla de la matriz sólo para referencia. El script también se puede descargar desde el mismo enlace. También he probado el script en Python 2.7 y 3.6, pero el error sigue siendo el mismo. Por favor, hágamelo saber si hay problemas de acceso a datos.