Libros que recomiendo:
Address = {New York, {NY}},
Author = {Kahng, Andrew B. and Lienig, Jens and Markov, Igor L. and Hu, Jin},
Publisher = {Springer Science+Business Media, {B.V.}},
Title = {{VLSI} Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {Boca Raton, {FL}},
Author = {Alpert, Charles J. and Mehta, Dinesh P. and Sapatnekar, Sachin S.},
Publisher = {{CRC} Press},
Title = {Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation},
Year = {2009}}
"Alpert2009" (clave de referencia de LaTeX) es un libro impresionante. Sin embargo, puede ser demasiado avanzado para los principiantes, especialmente si no tienen experiencia adecuada en diseño VLSI digital (desde RTL a diseño) o una formación adecuada en ciencias de la computación y matemáticas para estudiantes de EE.
Estos son libros generales de EDA que también tratan temas de diseño físico.
Address = {Burlington, {MA}},
Author = {Wang, Laung-Terng and Chang, Yao-Wen and Cheng, Kwang-Ting (Tim)},
Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
Series = {Morgan Kaufmann Series in Systems on Silicon},
Title = {Electronic Design Automation: Synthesis, Verification, and Test},
Year = {2009}}
Address = {Boca Raton, {FL}},
Author = {Scheffer, Louis and Lavagno, Luciano and Martin, Grant},
Publisher = {{CRC} Press},
Series = {Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook},
Title = {{EDA} for {IC} Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology},
Volume = {2},
Year = {2006}}
Algunos libros clásicos antiguos.
Address = {Chichester, West Sussex, England, {UK}},
Author = {Gerez, Sabih H.},
Publisher = {John Wiley {\rm \&} Sons},
Title = {Algorithms for {VLSI} Design Automation},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {Singapore},
Author = {Sait, Sadiq M. and Youssef, Habib},
Publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
Series = {Lecture Notes Series on Computing},
Title = {{VLSI} Physical Design Automation: Theory and Practice},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {New York, {NY}},
Author = {Sarrafzadeh, Majid and Wong, C. K.},
Publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
Series = {McGraw-Hill Series in Computer Science},
Title = {An Introduction to {VLSI} Physical Design},
Year = {1996}}
Address = {Norwell, {MA}},
Author = {Sherwani, Naveed A.},
Edition = {Third},
Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
Title = {Algorithms for {VLSI} Physical Design Automation},
Year = {2003}}
P/S: Pida recomendaciones a cualquier estudiante de doctorado que trabaje en diseño físico, especialmente a los que están a punto de defender su tesis, o están a punto de hacer o acaban de hacer su examen de cualificación para el doctorado.