Estoy obteniendo distancias totalmente diferentes de shapely y geopy. Por un lado tiene todo el sentido, shapely mide en un plano y geopy mide en un esferoide . Pero las diferencias son tan dramáticas que me pregunto si algo está realmente mal aquí.
- Shapely 1.3.2
- geopy 1.9.1
- Fiona 1.l.5
mi prj (para shapely/fiona) ES Web-Merc EPSG: 3857 (sin aplanar):
>>print input_crs
>>{u'a': 6378137, u'lon_0': 0, u'k': 1, u'y_0': 0, u'b': 6378137, u'proj': u'merc', u'x_0': 0, u'units': u'm', u'no_defs': True}
>>print to_string(input_crs)
>>+a=6378137 +b=6378137 +k=1 +lon_0 +no_defs +proj=merc +units=m +x_0 +y_0
Pts de prueba (*área general de Arizona/N.Mex):
city: POINT (-12352678.6153664 3384049.040913342)
capital: POINT (-12318614.85118365 3417715.06365641)
Mi código, utilizando shapely para .buffer y Vincenty para la medida del elipsoide (geopy)
def evaluate_point(city_pt, capital_pts):
#tests whether the capitals are within a certain distance of a
#city point
# set the ellipsoid for measurement
distance.VincentyDistance.ELLIPSOID = 'WGS-84'
d = distance.distance
# create a wkt obj of city pt
city_wkt = dumps(city_pt)
dist = 300000
# create a shapely obj of all the capitals
for pt in capital_pts:
# create a shapely obj of all the captial_pts
capital_pt = shape(pt['geometry'])
# create a wkt obj of the admin1_pt
capital_to_measure = dumps(capital_pt)
## BUFFER USING SHAPELY - DIST = 300000 meters due to prj
capital_buffer = capital_pt.buffer(dist)
# city_pt is a shapely obj
if city_pt.within(capital_buffer):
distance_between_pts = d(capital_to_measure, city_wkt).meters
print"within the buffer" + " " + str(distance_between_pts)
print "city: " + city_wkt
print "capital: " + capital_to_measure
print "outside the buffer"
Por estos datos obtengo esto:
city: POINT (-12352678.6153664 3384049.040913342)
capital: POINT (-12318614.85118365 3417715.06365641)
within the buffer # shapely buffer set to (300000 meters)
14815370.7894 # Vincenty ellipsoid measured distance reported in meters