Tengo curiosidad por crear el sistema de ecuaciones lineales para las condiciones dadas por esta pregunta.
An average mark is computed for 100 students in Business, an average is
computed for 300 students in Arts, and an average is computed for 200 students
in Science. The average of these three averages is 85%. However, the overall
average for the 600 students is 86%. Also, the average for the 300 students in
Business and Science is 4 marks higher than the average for the students in
Arts. Determine the average for each group of students by solving a
system of linear equations.
Hasta ahora esto es lo que tengo (aunque no estoy seguro de que sea correcto)
Dejemos que $x_1,x_2,x_3$ representan a los estudiantes de negocios, artes y ciencias, respectivamente.
No estoy seguro de cómo crear una ecuación para la primera.
Gracias por la ayuda.
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