Los métodos que utilizaría para que se ajuste de forma manual (es decir, de Análisis Exploratorio de Datos) puede trabajar muy bien con esos datos.
Quiero volver a parametrizar el modelo ligeramente con el fin de hacer sus parámetros positivos:
For a given y, let's assume there is a unique real x satisfying this equation; call this f(x;a,b) or, for brevity, f(y) when (a,b) are understood.
We observe a collection of ordered pairs (xi,yi) where the xi deviate from f(yi;a,b) by independent random variates with zero means. In this discussion I will assume they all have a common variance, but an extension of these results (using weighted least squares) is possible, obvious, and easy to implement. Here is a simulated example of such a collection of 100 values, with a=0.0001, b=0.1, and a common variance of σ2=4.
![Data plot]()
This is a (deliberately) tough example, as can be appreciated by the nonphysical (negative) x values and their extraordinary spread (which is typically ±2 horizontal units, but can range up to 5 or 6 on the x axis). If we can obtain a reasonable fit to these data that comes anywhere close to estimating the a, b, and σ2 used, we will have done well indeed.
An exploratory fitting is iterative. Each stage consists of two steps: estimate a (based on the data and previous estimates ˆa and ˆb of a and b, from which previous predicted values ˆxi can be obtained for the xi) and then estimate b. Because the errors are in x, the fits estimate the xi from the (yi), rather than the other way around. To first order in the errors in x, when x is sufficiently large,
Therefore, we may update ˆa by fitting this model with least squares (notice it has only one parameter--a slope, a--and no intercept) and taking the reciprocal of the coefficient as the updated estimate of a.
Next, when x is sufficiently small, the inverse quadratic term dominates and we find (again to first order in the errors) that
Once again using least squares (with just a slope term b) we obtain an updated estimate ˆb via the square root of the fitted slope.
To see why this works, a crude exploratory approximation to this fit can be obtained by plotting xi against 1/y2i for the smaller xi. Better yet, because the xi are measured with error and the yi change monotonically with the xi, we should focus on the data with the larger values of 1/y2i. Here is an example from our simulated dataset showing the largest half of the yi in red, the smallest half in blue, and a line through the origin fit to the red points.
The points approximately line up, although there is a bit of curvature at the small values of x and y. (Notice the choice of axes: because x is the measurement, it is conventional to plot it on the vertical axis.) By focusing the fit on the red points, where curvature should be minimal, we ought to obtain a reasonable estimate of b. The value of 0.096 shown in the title is the square root of the slope of this line: it's only 4% less than the true value!
At this point the predicted values can be updated via
Iterate until either the estimates stabilize (which is not guaranteed) or they cycle through small ranges of values (which still cannot be guaranteed).
It turns out that a is difficult to estimate unless we have a good set of very large values of x, but that b--which determines the vertical asymptote in the original plot (in the question) and is the focus of the question--can be pinned down quite accurately, provided there are some data within the vertical asymptote. In our running example, the iterations do converge to ˆa=0.000196 (which is almost twice the correct value of 0.0001) and ˆb=0.1073 (which is close to the correct value of 0.1). This plot shows the data once more, upon which are superimposed (a) the true curve in gray (dashed) and (b) the estimated curve in red (solid):
This fit is so good that it is difficult to distinguish the true curve from the fitted curve: they overlap almost everywhere. Incidentally, the estimated error variance of 3.73 is very close to the true value of 4.
Hay algunos problemas con este enfoque:
Las estimaciones sesgadas. El sesgo se hace evidente cuando el conjunto de datos es pequeño y relativamente pocos valores son cercanos al eje de las x. El ajuste es sistemáticamente un poco baja.
El procedimiento de estimación requiere un método para decirle "grandes" de la "pequeña" de los valores de la yi. Yo podría proponer exploratorio maneras de identificar las mejores definiciones, sino como un asunto práctico puede dejar como "tuning" constantes y alteran para comprobar la sensibilidad de los resultados. Me han fijado arbitrariamente por dividir los datos en tres grupos iguales de acuerdo con el valor de yi y el uso de los dos grupos externos.
El procedimiento no funcionará para todas las posibles combinaciones de a b o todos los posibles rangos de datos. Sin embargo, debería funcionar bien siempre que suficiente de la curva está representada en el conjunto de datos para reflejar tanto las asíntotas: la vertical en un extremo y el inclinado uno en el otro extremo.
El siguiente está escrito en Mathematica.
estimate[{a_, b_, xHat_}, {x_, y_}] :=
Module[{n = Length[x], k0, k1, yLarge, xLarge, xHatLarge, ySmall,
xSmall, xHatSmall, a1, b1, xHat1, u, fr},
fr[y_, {a_, b_}] := Root[-b^2 + y^2 #1 - 2 a y #1^2 + a^2 #1^3 &, 1];
k0 = Floor[1 n/3]; k1 = Ceiling[2 n/3];(* The tuning constants *)
yLarge = y[[k1 + 1 ;;]]; xLarge = x[[k1 + 1 ;;]]; xHatLarge = xHat[[k1 + 1 ;;]];
ySmall = y[[;; k0]]; xSmall = x[[;; k0]]; xHatSmall = xHat[[;; k0]];
a1 = 1/
Last[LinearModelFit[{yLarge + b/Sqrt[xHatLarge],
xLarge}\[Transpose], u, u]["BestFitParameters"]];
b1 = Sqrt[
Last[LinearModelFit[{(1 - 2 a1 b xHatSmall^(3/2)) / ySmall^2,
xSmall}\[Transpose], u, u]["BestFitParameters"]]];
xHat1 = fr[#, {a1, b1}] & /@ y;
{a1, b1, xHat1}
Se aplican a los datos (por vectores paralelos x
y y
formado en una de dos columnas de la matriz data = {x,y}
) hasta convergencia, comenzando con las estimaciones de a=b=0:
{a, b, xHat} = NestWhile[estimate[##, data] &, {0, 0, data[[1]]},
Norm[Most[#1] - Most[#2]] >= 0.001 &, 2, 100]