4 votos

Importación de la base de datos SQLite de Survey123 desde el dispositivo

Necesito importar una base de datos SQLite generada por ESRI Survey123 a un csv o algún otro formato útil. He modificado esto script para que pueda utilizar arcToolbox para adquirir los parámetros de entrada y salida. No estoy lo suficientemente familiarizado con el formato SQLite Survey123 para entender cómo abordar el error debajo de la script:

import csv, sqlite3, json, os, sys, arcpy

def readS123db(inDB):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(inDB)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    surveys = {}

    for row in cur.execute('SELECT name, feature, status from Surveys where status = 1 or status = 3 or status = 2'):
        arcpy.AddMessage ('-----------------')
        surveyName = row[0]
        if surveyName not in surveys.keys():
            surveys[surveyName] = {"adds":[], "updates":[]}
        jTransaction = json.loads(json.loads(row[1]))[0]
        #Case for Adds
        if "adds" in jTransaction.keys():
            jRow = jTransaction["adds"][0]
            outRow = jRow["attributes"]
            #Add Geometry
            outRow[u"x_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["x"]
            outRow[u"y_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["y"]
            outRow[u"z_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["z"]
            #Add Attachments
            if "attachments" in jTransaction:
                jAttach = jTransaction["attachments"]
                for jAttRow in jAttach:
                    if jAttRow != None:
                        for jAtt in jAttRow:
                            outRow[jAtt["fieldName"]] = jAtt["fileName"]
        if "updates" in jTransaction.keys():
            jRow = jTransaction["updates"][0]
            outRow = jRow["attributes"]
            #Add Geometry
            outRow[u"x_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["x"]
            outRow[u"y_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["y"]
            outRow[u"z_geometry"] = jRow["geometry"]["z"]
            if "attachments" in jTransaction:
                jAttach = jTransaction["attachments"]
                for jAttRow in jAttach:
                    if jAttRow != None:
                        for jAtt in jAttRow:
                            outRow[jAtt["fieldName"]] = jAtt["fileName"]
    return surveys

if __name__ == '__main__':

    inDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    outDir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

    surveys = readS123db(inDB)

Esto me da el siguiente error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\Projects\Work_in_Progress\Guphy\2017\GRPAppData\GRPAppData\ReadDB_tool\ReadDB\readDb.py", line 100, in <module>
    surveys = readS123db(inDB)
  File "T:\Projects\Work_in_Progress\Guphy\2017\GRPAppData\GRPAppData\ReadDB_tool\ReadDB\readDb.py", line 21, in readS123db
    jTransaction = json.loads(json.loads(row[1]))[0]
KeyError: 0

Failed to execute (ImportSurvey123).

¿Es un problema de mi código, de la base de datos SQLite o de ambos?


Bill Puntos 21

Construí esta herramienta para exportar los datos de Survey123 desde una base de datos SQLite (descargada del dispositivo utilizado para capturar los datos) a una geodatabase de archivo. Crea una clase de característica para cada tipo de encuesta en la base de datos SQLite. El script requiere que se ejecute desde una herramienta de ArcToolbox con 2 parámetros: [0] el archivo .sqlite de entrada, y 1 la geodatabase del archivo de salida. Aquí está el código:

import csv, sqlite3, json, os, arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

def readS123db(inDB):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(inDB)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    #conn.text_factory = lambda x: x.decode("utf-16")
    #Status indicates which 'box' teh Survey is in
    #0 - Drafts
    #1 - Outbox
    #2 - Sent
    #3 - Submission Error
    #4 - Inbox

    for row in cur.execute('SELECT name, feature, status, data, snippet from Surveys where status = 1 or status = 3 or status = 2'):

        dataField = json.loads(row[3])
        dataFieldKeys = dataField.keys()
        for key in dataField:
            masterKey = key

            fcPath = os.path.join(gdb, str(masterKey))
            if arcpy.Exists(fcPath):
                arcpy.AddMessage("\nDeleting prior datasets")
                arcpy.Delete_management(fcPath)  #Delete Existing feature classes with these survey names
            if arcpy.Exists(fcPath + "_tbl"):
                arcpy.Delete_management(fcPath + "_tbl")

    rowNum = 0
    alternateFcNameList = []
    for row in cur.execute('SELECT name, feature, status, data, snippet from Surveys where status = 1 or status = 3 or status = 2'):
        rowNum = rowNum + 1

        dataField = json.loads(row[3])
        snippetField = str(row[4])[:255]

        dataFieldKeys = dataField.keys()
        for masterKey in dataField:
            #output = os.path.split(outFC)

            arcpy.AddMessage("\n\nRow " + str(rowNum) +"\nSurvey:  " + masterKey)
            arcpy.AddMessage("Snippet: " + snippetField)
            tier2keys = dataField[masterKey].keys()
            gpsField = None
            for tier2key in tier2keys:  #Get the spatial reference

                #arcpy.AddWarning("TIER2KEY: " + tier2key)
                if tier2key == "GPS":
                    #gpsField = tier2key
                    gpsKeys = dataField[masterKey][tier2key]
                    for gpsKey in gpsKeys:
                        arcpy.AddMessage("GPS Key: " + gpsKey)
                        if gpsKey == "spatialReference":
                            sr = dataField[masterKey][tier2key][gpsKey]["wkid"]
                            arcpy.AddMessage("Spatial Reference: WKID " + str(sr))
                            spatial_reference = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr)
                            gpsField = tier2key
                elif tier2key == "site_point": #In one case the GPS field was mis-named as field_2
                    #gpsField = tier2key
                    gpsKeys = dataField[masterKey][tier2key]
                    if gpsKeys != None:
                        for gpsKey in gpsKeys:
                            arcpy.AddMessage("GPS Key: " + gpsKey)
                            if gpsKey == "spatialReference":
                                sr = dataField[masterKey][tier2key][gpsKey]["wkid"]
                                arcpy.AddMessage("Spatial Reference: WKID " + str(sr))
                                spatial_reference = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr)
                                gpsField = tier2key

            arcpy.AddMessage("GPS Field: " + str(gpsField))
            if gpsField != None and dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["x"] != None and dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["y"] != None and dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["z"] != None:

                #Create feature class if necessary
                fcPath = os.path.join(gdb, str(masterKey))
                if not arcpy.Exists(fcPath):
                    arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating output feature class")
                        arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(gdb, str(masterKey), "POINT", "", "DISABLED", "ENABLED", spatial_reference)
                        masterKeyString = str(masterKey)
                        alternateFcName = masterKeyString.translate(None, '!@#$-&*^+=`~?/;:[]{}.,<>') #remove characters not valid in FC name
                        fcPath = os.path.join(gdb, alternateFcName)
                        if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(gdb, alternateFcName)):
                            arcpy.AddMessage(masterKey + " is not a valid feature class name.\nReplacing with " + alternateFcName + "\n")
                            arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(gdb, alternateFcName, "POINT", "", "DISABLED", "ENABLED",

                #Get data per row
                fieldList = []
                rowValues = []
                for tier2key in tier2keys:
                    if tier2key != "GPS":
                        if tier2key != "objectid" and tier2key != "ObjectId":
                            arcpy.AddMessage("Import Field: " + tier2key)
                            arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, str(tier2key), "TEXT")
                arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, "Snippet", "TEXT") #Adds snippet field from original database

                fieldList.extend(("Snippet", "SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "SHAPE@Z"))

                xCoord = dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["x"]
                yCoord = dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["y"]
                zCoord = dataField[masterKey][gpsField]["z"]

                rowValues.extend((snippetField, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord))
                rowValuesTuple = tuple(rowValues) #Create tuple from list of row values
                rowValues = [rowValuesTuple] #because insert cursor expects a list of tuples (one tuple per data row)

                with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fcPath, fieldList) as cursor:
                    for row in rowValues:
                        arcpy.AddMessage("\nAppending data from row " + str(rowNum) + ": \n" + str(row))

            elif gpsField == None:
                #break (only enable if you want to omit non-spatial tables)
                # Create feature class if necessary
                fcPath = os.path.join(gdb, str(masterKey) + "_tbl")
                if not arcpy.Exists(fcPath):
                    arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating output table")
                        arcpy.CreateTable_management(gdb, str(masterKey) + "_tbl")
                        masterKeyString = str(masterKey)
                        alternateFcName = masterKeyString.translate(None,
                                                                    '!@#$-&*^+=`~?/;:[]{}.,<>')  + "_tbl"# remove characters not valid in FC name
                        fcPath = os.path.join(gdb, alternateFcName)
                        if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(gdb, alternateFcName)):
                                masterKey + " is not a valid table name.\nReplacing with " + alternateFcName + "\n")
                            arcpy.CreateTable_management(gdb, alternateFcName)

                # Get data per row
                fieldList = []
                rowValues = []
                for tier2key in tier2keys:
                    if tier2key != "GPS":
                        if tier2key != "objectid" and tier2key != "ObjectId" and tier2key != "OBJECTID":
                            arcpy.AddMessage("Import Field: " + tier2key)
                            arcpy.AddField_management(fcPath, str(tier2key), "TEXT")

                rowValuesTuple = tuple(rowValues)  # Create tuple from list of row values
                rowValues = [rowValuesTuple]  # because insert cursor expects a list of tuples (one tuple per data row)

                with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fcPath, fieldList) as cursor:
                    for row in rowValues:
                        arcpy.AddMessage("\nAppending data from row " + str(rowNum) + ": \n" + str(row))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    inDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    gdb = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

    surveys = readS123db(inDB)

    arcpy.AddMessage("\nOh Joy!!!\nAll Surveys Have Been Exported!\n")

Este es el aspecto que debería tener la herramienta de ArcMap que apunta al anterior script: This is what the ArcMap tool should look like


gcycle7 Puntos 11

Su objeto json es un diccionario que no tiene una clave llamada 0. Si está tratando de sacar una entrada basada en la posición tenga cuidado.


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