Tengo la siguiente distribución discreta dondep es una constante conocida:
¿Cómo puedo muestrear de esta distribución?
Tengo la siguiente distribución discreta dondep es una constante conocida:
¿Cómo puedo muestrear de esta distribución?
Esta respuesta se desarrolla un sencillo procedimiento para generar los valores de esta distribución. Se ilustra el procedimiento, analiza su ámbito de aplicación (es decir, para que p podría ser considerado como un método práctico), y proporciona el código ejecutable.
x^2 = 2\binom{x}{2} + \binom{x}{1},
consider the distributions f_{p;m} given by
f_{p;m}(x) \propto \binom{x}{m-1}p^x
for m=3 and m=2.
A recent thread on inverse sampling demonstrates that these distributions count the number of observations of independent Bernoulli(1-p) variables needed before first seeing m successes, with x+1 equal to that number. It also shows that the normalizing constant is
C(p;m)=\sum_{x=m-1}^\infty \binom{x}{m-1}p^x = \frac{p^{m-1}}{(1-p)^m}.
Consider the probabilities in the question,
x^2 p^x = \left( 2\binom{x}{2} + \binom{x}{1} \right)p^x = 2 \binom{x}{2}p^x + \binom{x}{1} p^x =2 C(p;3) f_{p;3}(x) + C(p;2) f_{p;2}(x).
Consequently, the given distribution is a mixture of f_{p;3} and f_{p;2}. The proportions are as 2C(p;3):C(p;2) = 2p:(1-p). It is simple to sample from a mixture: generate an independent uniform variate u and draw x from f_{p;2} when u \lt (1-p)/(2p+1-p); that is, when u(1+p) \lt 1-p, and otherwise draw x from f_{p;3}.
(It is evident that this method generalizes: many probability distributions where the chance of x is of the form P(x)p^x for a polynomial P, such as P(x)=x^2 here, can be expressed as a mixture of these inverse-sampling distributions.)
These considerations lead to the following simple algorithm to generate one realization of the desired distribution:
Let U ~ Uniform(0,1+p)
If (U < 1-p) then m = 2 else m = 3
x = 0
While (m > 0) {
x = x + 1
Let Z ~ Bernoulli(1-p)
m = m - Z
Return x-1
These histograms show simulations (based on 100,000 iterations) and the true distribution for a range of values of p.
How efficient is this? The expectation of x+1 under the distribution f_{p;m} is readily computed; it equals m/(1-p). Therefore the expected number of trials (that is, values of Z
to generate in the algorithm) is
\left((1-p) \frac{2}{1-p} + (2p) \frac{3}{1-p}\right) / (1-p+2p) = 2 \frac{1+2p}{1-p^2}.
Add one more for generating U
. The total is close to 3 for small values of p. As p approaches 1, this count asymptotically is
1 + 2\frac{1 + 2p}{(1-p)(1+p)} \approx \frac{3}{1-p}.
This shows us that the algorithm will, on the average, be reasonably quick for p \lt 2/3 (taking up to ten easy steps) and not too bad for p \lt 0.97 (taking under a hundred steps).
Here is the R
code used to implement the algorithm and produce the figures. A \chi^2 prueba muestran que los resultados simulados no difieren significativamente de las frecuencias esperadas.
sample <- function(p) {
m <- ifelse(runif(1, max=1+p) < 1-p, 2, 3)
x <- 0
while (m > 0) {
x <- x + 1
m <- m - (runif(1) > p)
n <- 1e5
for (p in c(1/5, 1/2, 9/10)) {
# Simulate and summarize.
x <- replicate(n, sample(p))
y <- table(x)
# Compute the true distribution for comparison.
k <- as.numeric(names(y))
theta <- sapply(k, function(i) i^2 * p^i) * (1-p)^3 / (p^2 + p)
names(theta) <- names(y)
# Plot both.
barplot(y/n, main=paste("Simulation for", format(p, digits=2)),
barplot(theta, main=paste("Distribution for", format(p, digits=2)),
@dsaxton enfoque es conocido como la inversa de la transformación de muestreo y es probablemente el camino a seguir para un problema como este. Para ser un poco más explícito, el planteamiento es:
Computación x = F^{-1}(u) es equivalente a encontrar el entero x que es la solución para: \text{minimize} \quad x \quad \text{subject to} \sum_{j=0}^x \frac{(1 - p)^3}{p(1+p)} j^2p^j \geq u
Rápido pseudo código para hacer esto numéricamente:
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