Tengo un script que uso para tomar una lista de direcciones y geocodificarlas a puntos en una nueva clase de característica. Sólo tienes que descargar el solicita y suministrar una url de servicio para un servicio REST de geocodificación. Sin embargo, no conozco ningún servicio de geocodificación de código abierto.
import requests
import json
import arcpy
import os
import sys
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
def Message(msg):
print str(msg)
return msg
def assertJsonSuccess(data):
import json
obj = json.loads(data)
if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
Message("Error: JSON object returns an error. " + str(obj))
return False
return True
def geocode_addresses(new_fc, addresses=[], serviceURL='', sr=3857):
import json
import requests
"""Geocodes a list of addresses using a Geocode Service and returns a
point feature class
Quick and dirty geocode. There may be a limit on how many addresses can be
used before the server rejects the requests
new_fc -- new point feature class for geocoded addresses
addresses -- dictionary of address and feature name {'address' : 'feature description',..}
or a list of addresses ['address, city, state, zip'...]
serviceURL -- url to a REST endpoint for a Geocoding service
sr -- spatial reference or WKID for new feature class (should be same as geocoding service)
Addresses can be in one of the below formats.
# example: pass addresses with description as dictionary
addresses = {"400 N 1st Ave W, Hartley, IA, 51346" : "Prins Laundromat",
"120 S 8th Ave W, Hartley, IA, 51346" : "Hengeveld Construction",
"173 S Central Ave, Hartley, IA, 51346" : "Legal Eyes"}
# example: pass addresses in as a list
addresses = ["901 N Broadway, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63102",
"10701 Lambert International Blvd, Saint Louis,
"15193 Olive Blvd, Chesterfield, Missouri, 63017"]
# check to see if addresses are provided as dict
hasFeature = True
if not isinstance(addresses, dict):
addresses = dict((a, '') for a in addresses)
hasFeature = False
# dictionary to store addresses and points
addr = {}
bad = []
for address, name in addresses.iteritems():
# This request only needs the single line address as text and the response formatting parameter .
params = {'text': address, 'f': 'pjson'}
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# Connect to service to get its current JSON definition.
r = requests.post(serviceURL, params=params, headers=headers)
if (r.status_code != 200):
Message("Could not geocode address {0}.\r\nhttp status code {1}.".format(address, r.status_code))
if not assertJsonSuccess(r.text):
Message('Error when reading service information: {0}'.format(r.text))
#Get the first returned location
loc = False
candidates = r.json()
if 'locations' in candidates:
if candidates['locations']:
loc = True
candidate = candidates['locations'][0]
geo = candidate['feature']['geometry']
# Create (X,Y) tuple and Point objects and score
pt = (geo['x'], geo['y'])
score = candidate['feature']['attributes']['Score']
addr[(address, name)] = (arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(*pt), prj), score)
if not loc:
Message("Could not geocode address \"{0}\"".format(address))
# create new feature class
f_length = min([max(len(a) for a in addresses), 255])
if arcpy.Exists(new_fc):
'POINT', spatial_reference=sr)
arcpy.AddField_management(new_fc, 'Address', 'TEXT', field_length=f_length)
arcpy.AddField_management(new_fc, 'Feature', 'TEXT', field_length=100)
arcpy.AddField_management(new_fc, 'Score', 'SHORT')
# insert rows
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(new_fc, ['SHAPE@', 'Address', 'Feature', 'Score']) as rows:
for attributes, pt in addr.iteritems():
add, name = attributes
xy, score = pt
rows.insertRow([xy, add, name, score])
Message('Geocoded address: {0}'.format(add))
# Delete feature field if no feature names supplied
if not hasFeature:
arcpy.DeleteField_management(new_fc, ['Feature'])
# if bad records
if bad:
date = time.strftime('_%m_%d_%Y')
txt = r'C:\Users\{0}\Desktop\Geocode_fail_{1}.txt'.format(os.environ['USERNAME'], date)
with open(txt, 'w') as f:
return new_fc