Con la ayuda de las variables de holgura ϵi y llamadas
and solving the sationary conditions
we obtain a set of solutions jointly with a set of conditions ϵ2i≥0 to qualify those solutions. To be feasible the solution requires that ϵ2i≥0 Also when ϵ2i=0 it means that the corresponding restriction is active.
Due to the length of the symbolic response, we leave a script in MATHEMATICA that summarizes the results. There are sixteen non trivial solutions in res0 with structure {pi,ϵ2i,p1p2p3p4p5}
n = 5;
X = Table[Subscript[x, k], {k, 1, n}];
P = Table[Subscript[p, k], {k, 1, n}];
EE = Table[Subscript[epsilon, k], {k, 1, n}];
M = Table[Subscript[mu, k], {k, 1, n}];
vars = Join[Join[Join[P, M], EE], {lambda}]
prod = Product[P[[k]], {k, 1, n}]
L = prod
L += lambda (Sum[P[[k]] (X[[k]] - X[[k - 1]]), {k, 2, n}] + P[[1]] X[[1]] - 1)
L += Sum[M[[k]] (P[[n - k + 1]] - P[[n - k + 2]] + EE[[k]]^2), {k, 2, n}] + M[[1]] (P[[n]] - EE[[1]]^2)
grad = Grad[L, vars]
equs = Thread[grad == 0];
E2 = EE^2;
results = Join[Join[P, E2], {prod}];
sols = Quiet[Solve[equs, vars]];
results0 = results /. sols // FullSimplify;
For[i = 1; res = {}, i <= Length[results0], i++,
If[NumberQ[results0[[i]][[2 n + 1]]] == False, AppendTo[res,results0[[i]]]]
res0 = Union[res];
res0 // MatrixForm
Results for n=3
Results for n=4
and for n=5