4 votos

Encontrar fuerza para la trayectoria.

Utilizando las ecuaciones de la trayectoria siempre en hyperphysics, he desarrollado algunas código para trazar la trayectoria de un objeto. Ahora tenemos que trabajar para x y y de las fuerzas que se aplican para hacer que el objeto de seguir dicho camino.

Sé que F=MA, pero me parece que no puede revertir esto para encontrar la x y la y valores de fuerza a causa de un objeto de masa dada de seguir la trayectoria de la curva trazada por el general balísticos código.

Lo siento por la larga pregunta, pero me puede dar el código y más de mi ecuaciones si es necesario. Lo siento si este si es el foro equivocado.

EDITAR: Las ecuaciones que estoy trabajando son:

velocidad = Impulso de la masa / masa

velocidad = Distancia / tiempo

Velocidad = velocidad / tiempo

Fuerza = masa * aceleración

Impulso = masa * velocidad

Impulso = avg fuerza * tiempo

[2ª EDICIÓN:] El código de la siguiente manera - el lenguaje lua, el uso de la Corona SDK...



local trajlibapi = require("trajectorylib")
local mathlibapi = require("mathlib")
local physics = require("physics")


--[[ environment setup ]]--

local start, sling = nil, nil

local offsetX, offsetY = 50, 300

local iteration = 0.1 -- gap between increments of trajectory points
--local velocity = 40 -- launch velocity v/ms
--local angle = 60 -- launch angle (theta) degrees

--[[ trajectory plotting ]]--

function trajectory( velocity, angle, iteration )
    local points, r, h, f = trajlibapi.calcTrajectoryPoints( 0, 0, velocity, angle, iteration )

    print( 'angle: ', angle )
    print( 'velocity: ', velocity )
    print( 'range: ', r )
    print( 'height: ', h )
    print( 'flight time: ', f )

    for i=1, #points do
        --print( math.round( points[i].x ), math.round( points[i].y ) )
        display.newCircle( start.x + points[i].x, start.y - points[i].y, (points[i].velocityx + points[i].velocityy) * 0.1 )

    return points

--[[ throwing the ball ]]--

function throw( points, sling, start, distance, angle )
    local radius = 50
    local ball = display.newCircle( start.x, start.y, radius )
    ball.alpha = .7
    ball:setFillColor( 90,90,200 )
    physics.addBody( ball, "dynamic", {friction=.1, bounce=.1, density=1, radius=radius } )

    local point = points[2]
    local area = trajlibapi.calcAreaOfCircle( radius )
    local gm = 1 * area
    local g = 2.1
    print('area: '..area)
    print('gm: '..gm)
    print('dist: '.. distance)

    --ball:applyLinearImpulse( start.x-sling.x, start.y-sling.y, ball.x, ball.y )
    --ball:applyForce( (start.x-sling.x)*gm, (start.y-sling.y)*gm, ball.x, ball.y )

    local vx, vy = trajlibapi.calcInitialVelocity( start.x, start.y, angle, distance )
    print('velocity: '..vx,vy)
    ball:setLinearVelocity( vx, vy )

    --print('applied: ', point.x, -point.y )

    function ball:timer(event)
        timer.cancel( ball.t )
        Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", ball)
    ball.t = timer.performWithDelay(2000, ball, 1)

    function ball:enterFrame(event)
        local c = display.newCircle(ball.x,ball.y,2)
    Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", ball)

--[[ initial point capture ]]--

function touch(event)
    if (not start) then
        start = event
        display.newCircle( event.x, event.y, 2 )
    elseif (not sling) then
        sling = event
        display.newCircle( event.x, event.y, 2 )
        local c = display.newCircle( start.x, start.y, mathlibapi.lengthOf( start, sling ) )
        c:setStrokeColor( 0,0,255 )
        c:setFillColor( 0,0,0,0 )
        c.strokeWidth = 2

        local angle = math.abs( mathlibapi.angleOf( sling, start ) )
        local distance = mathlibapi.lengthOf( sling, start )
        local points = trajectory( distance, angle, iteration )
        throw( points, sling, start, distance, angle )

Runtime:addEventListener("tap", touch)


module(..., package.seeall)

--[[ references ]]--

-- The code in this listing was derived from this first URL:
-- http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/traj.html
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajectory_of_a_projectile

--[[ support functions ]]--

local function vxf( velocity, acceleration )
    return velocity * math.cos( acceleration * math.pi / 180 )

local function vyt( velocity, acceleration, time )
    return velocity * math.sin( acceleration * math.pi / 180 ) - 9.8 * time

local function yt( velocity, acceleration, time )
    return velocity * math.sin( acceleration * math.pi / 180 ) * time - 0.5 * 9.8 * time * time

--[[ worker functions ]]--

function totalRangeHeightFlightTime( v, ag )
    local h = vyt(v, ag, 0) * vyt(v, ag, 0) / (2 * 9.8)
    local t = 2 * vyt(v, ag, 0) / 9.8
    local r = v * v * math.sin( 2 * ag * math.pi / 180 ) / 9.8
    return r, h, t

function positionAtTime(v, ag, t)
    local vx = vxf(v,ag) -- horizontal velocity
    local x = vxf(v,ag) * t -- horizontal distance
    local vy = vyt(v, ag, t) -- vertical velocity
    local y = yt(v, ag, t) -- height at time 't'

    return x, y, vx, vy

--[[ calculate trajectories ]]--

-- returns a collection of points determined as the trajectory of the object
function calcTrajectoryPoints( startX, startY, velocity, angle, iteration )
    if (not iteration) then
        iteration = 0.1

    local r, h, f = totalRangeHeightFlightTime(velocity, angle) -- total range, height and flight time
    local points = {}

    for t=0, f, iteration do
        local x, y, vx, vy = positionAtTime(velocity, angle, t)
        points[ #points+1 ] = { x=x, y=y, time=t, velocityx=vx, velocityy=vy }

    return points, r, h, f

-- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080617223556AA8DD8M
function calcInitialVelocity( startX, startY, angle, force )
    return force * math.cos(angle), force * math.sin(angle)

--[[ area functions ]]--

function calcAreaOfCircle( radius )
    return math.pi * radius * radius


module(..., package.seeall)

-- returns the distance between points a and b
function lengthOf( a, b )
    local width, height = b.x-a.x, b.y-a.y
    return math.sqrt(width*width + height*height)

-- converts degree value to radian value, useful for angle calculations
function convertDegreesToRadians( degrees )
--  return (math.pi * degrees) / 180
    return math.rad(degrees)

function convertRadiansToDegrees( radians )
    return math.deg(radians)

-- rotates a point around the (0,0) point by degrees
-- returns new point object
function rotatePoint( point, degrees )
    local x, y = point.x, point.y

    local theta = convertDegreesToRadians( degrees )

    local pt = {
        x = x * math.cos(theta) - y * math.sin(theta),
        y = x * math.sin(theta) + y * math.cos(theta)

    return pt

-- rotates point around the centre by degrees
-- rounds the returned coordinates using math.round() if round == true
-- returns new coordinates object
function rotateAboutPoint( point, centre, degrees, round )
    local pt = { x=point.x - centre.x, y=point.y - centre.y }
    pt = rotatePoint( pt, degrees )
    pt.x, pt.y = pt.x + centre.x, pt.y + centre.y
    if (round) then
        pt.x = math.round(pt.x)
        pt.y = math.round(pt.y)
    return pt

-- returns the degrees between (0,0) and pt
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleOfPoint( pt )
    local x, y = pt.x, pt.y
    local radian = math.atan2(y,x)
    --print('radian: '..radian)
    local angle = radian*180/math.pi
    --print('angle: '..angle)
    if angle < 0 then angle = 360 + angle end
    --print('final angle: '..angle)
    return angle

-- returns the degrees between two points
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleBetweenPoints( a, b )
    local x, y = b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y
    return angleOfPoint( { x=x, y=y } )

function angleOf( a, b )
    return math.atan2( b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x ) * 180 / math.pi

-- Takes a centre point, internal point and radius of a circle and returns the location of the extruded point on the circumference
-- In other words: Gives you the intersection between a line and a circle, if the line starts from the centre of the circle
function calcCirclePoint( centre, point, radius )
    local distance = lengthOf( centre, point )
    local fraction = distance / radius

    local remainder = 1 - fraction

    local width, height = point.x - centre.x, point.y - centre.y

    local x, y = centre.x + width / fraction, centre.y + height / fraction

    local px, py = x - point.x, y - point.y

    return px, py

-- returns the smallest angle between the two angles
-- ie: the difference between the two angles via the shortest distance
function smallestAngleDiff( target, source )
    local a = target - source

    if (a > 180) then
        a = a - 360
    elseif (a < -180) then
        a = a + 360

    return a

-- is clockwise is false this returns the shortest angle between the points
function AngleDiff( pointA, pointB, clockwise )
    local angleA, angleB = AngleOfPoint( pointA ), AngleOfPoint( pointB )

    if angleA == angleB then
        return 0

    if clockwise then
        if angleA > angleB then
            return angleA - angleB
            return 360 - (angleB - angleA)
        if angleA > angleB then
            return angleB + (360 - angleA)
            return angleB - angleA


-- test code...
local pointA = { x=10, y=-10 } -- anticlockwise 45 deg from east
local pointB = { x=-10, y=-10 } -- clockwise 45 deg from east

print('Angle of point A: '..tostring(AngleOfPoint( pointA )))
print('Angle of point B: '..tostring(AngleOfPoint( pointB )))

print('Clockwise: '..tostring(AngleDiff(pointA,pointB,true)))
print('Anti-Clockwise: '..tostring(AngleDiff(pointA,pointB,false)))


clintp Puntos 5127

Esto puede ser analizado fácilmente mediante ecuaciones diferenciales. Dado que se refieren a las coordenadas x e y, voy a restringir mi respuesta a las trayectorias que pueden ser modelados como $(x(t),y(t))$, $t$ representa el tiempo, para algunas funciones continuas $x(t),y(t)$. Voy a utilizar $\vec{F}(t) = (f_x(t),f_y(t))$ para denotar la fuerza aplicada al objeto en el momento $t$. Tu problema puede entonces escribirse como un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales $$x''(t) = Mf_x(t)$$ $$y''(t) = Mf_y(t)$$ así el deseado vector de fuerza es simplemente $\vec{F}(t) = \begin{pmatrix}x''(t)/M \\ y''(t)/M\end{pmatrix}$.

También, es la trayectoria está dada por una función de $y = h(x)$, a continuación, establezca $t = x$ conseguir $\vec{F}(x) = \begin{pmatrix}0 \\ h''(x)/M\end{pmatrix}$.


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